Tuesday, April 14, 2009


myEbook is the place to read existing eBooks, or publish your own. The publishing tool is web based and very easy to use, so anyone can be an eBook author! As a test, I converted my HTML tutorial that I provide as a resource for my students. The process was fairly simple. I converted it into a .pdf. If you are not sure how to do so, visit my cutePDF tutorial article in my blog. Once the file was in .pdf format, the eBook builder converted the file into the proper format to be viewed with their free online viewer. The concept is great. There are even opportunities to make money with your eBook. The site provides tools that deal with the use of advertiser support for revenue generation as well as other methods. Most of the books are free to read and can be read right in the browser window. The eBook format is aesthetically pleasing and very easy to use.

Go check out the site and peruse one of the many magazines or books available online. Below is my simple example.

Myebook - HTML Tutorial - click here to open my ebook

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